After nearly a month since my last OnGame update things have continued to grow and we've FINALLY clawed back to where our traffic once was before things went tits up in Europe.

Congratulations to everyone from the network and may the line continue to go up! With regards to PokerIdol we're going from strength to strength right now. Our rake race was hugely popular last month, so much so some believed it too good to be true! For everyone who earned 1000 points but failed to make the top 40 leaderboard we arranged a $2000 freeroll with 20 places paid. We had 30 players qualify however only 12 turned up! That meant everyone was paid and more than they were supposed too! We've done the same rake race this month and we're expecting the same amount of qualifiers in the freeroll....however I'm sure more will turn up this time!
What about next month? Well, something big is happening with PokerIdol. You might of noticed this if you currently follow us on Facebook or if you logged into our client recently. We've gone through a complete brand overhaul, replacing the old blue theme to a much more red affair. In fact, here's a sneak peak of the new website:
Have a look and decide for yourself it all means. More details will be coming during the week before the site goes live. This will be the best way for you to prove which area of the game you're the best at. Bragging rights at the ready.
I've played one game of poker since Portsmouth and this was with the old Phat Dogs crew, after a call saying they were one short in the game closest to my house. Was great playing with the guys again, although I really noticed the difference in structure after playing some deep events. Just to think, it was a little over 3 years ago I arrived at their game, hands shaking, playing the highest standard I'd ever faced off against! It was good fun though and I came third for a mind blowing £10 profit, still nice to win something :)
My next poker is going to be the DTD Grand Prix this weekend. I'm playing the Friday so if anyone is going to be there let me know! Happy to slap a PokerIdol patch on you too, will have loads in my pocket.
Other than working hard with PokerIdol I've been devoting my time to my business projects. I've had to put the big one on hold I was speaking about before as another one needs to be launched ASAP. This one is super exciting and will be a second of its kind. Yes there is another company who has done a similar thing, but in a very amateur fashion. I'll bring some professionalism to this project and crush the competition. More news on that very soon!
Went to stay with Anna and her family this weekend gone and had a lovely time. They live right out in the country, near Canterbury. Was great seeing Anna again although it was over way too soon! We went to see Paranormal Activity 2 and I was unimpressed to say the least. I thought the first was very well done and genuinely scary however this time they just overdid it. A couple of decent jumps for sure (the kitchen one nearly killed me) but overall I thought it was very slow to start and never really took off. I look forward to the third one though, although I doubt I'll go see it in the cinema.
The last few times I've been I've had someone behind me really disturbing me. The last time at the Expendables it was a couple talking at normal volume and this time it was someone eating a LARGE packet of crisps. I mean, just bring in the nosiest snack to the cinema! While I'm a complete hypocrite and eat like a madman when I'm there, I don't see the need to have so much food when watching a film, I mean it's only a couple of hours (unless its some sort of LOTR 3 hour abortion). I hardly go anymore anyway, but I'm still going to cut my cinema going down to either films I have to see ASAP (Like Jackass 3D) or by going late at night when a films almost over, so the place is empty.
Speaking of eating like a madman, my weight continues to increase and I've decided to take drastic measures taking advantage of my many compulsive disorders. My one and only kept new years resolution was in 2006 when I vowed never to sprinkle salt on anything again. I'd pour it on anything to the point where a ham sandwich tasted bad without it! It was hard to begin with but slowly my taste buds redeveloped and food started tasting great without it. These days I could never add it, partly because I notice too much salt easily now and it spoils the taste, but mostly because I'd feel absolutely terrible for breaking such a feat.
So since last week I've given up the following.
- Chocolate, on its own or something including it.
- Creme, on its own or something including it.
- Biscuits of any variety.
- Small packets of crisps.
That's a lot of stuff but a sacrifice I'm happy to make. I can't have one biscuit but I'll have to eat the whole packet. I can't have one packet of crisps but several. I'm going to take this compulsive behaviour and use it for good! Sure those are some big things to cut out and I'm giving myself the chance to have them again in 5 years, but I'm definitely not going to miss them. It's already working, I'm passing up on all of them for the first time ever due to some crazy mental block I've now installed in my head. Now to get back to the gym!
I've just finished watching the complete Curb Your Enthusiasm. Larry David is my new hero. I love how direct he is and how he speaks his mind. I know it's still a fictional character, but I definitely think including some of that no holds bar attitude into my own character would be beneficial, albeit in a more tasteful way. Oh, and the Jew-stare might be the funniest thing I've ever seen. Each one cracking me up for hours.
So now I need something else to watch. For now I'm watching some Star Trek: TNG episodes again. I don't care what anyone says, a classic series!
Today I finally got round to upgrading my hard drive. What a difference a few years make! It's lighter, over double the capacity (1TB over the old 400GB), smaller and even cheaper. I'll miss my old hard drive but I'm sure it's about to die and that would be a total disaster. Now I just need to decide how I'm going to transfer the data. This will not be fun.

Thanks again for reading, good luck and good night!
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