Rabu, 23 Juni 2010

Tattoo Tribal Back Piece Tattoo, Special Issue | Horikyo Tattoo

Tattoo Tribal Back Piece Tattoo, Special Issue

Special Annual Edition, 160 Pages in colour (About 800 Back Pieces), standard quality print, Glued Binding. Really Nice collection of Back Pieces Tattoo by one the most established Tattoo Magazines in Japan).

The long tradition of Japanese full-back tattoos is continued in this substantial collection of images which invariably demonstrate elaborate artistry and skill. Illustrated throughout with photographs of tattoos, each work is clearly presented with room to accommodate full body designs and allows for particular themes to be examined. Back tattoo designs are divided into different sections which cover themes such as: mysterious snakes, beauty is fear, dragons, colour variations, gods and heros etc.

It includes pictures from artists such as* To name a few: Shige, Horiyoshi III, Ink rat, Sabado, Genko, Gotch, Gakkin, Kansai Horishin and the list goes on. 150 Pages (800 back piece tattoos) of Back Pieces covering new style and traditional Japanese Tattoo! At an affordable Price!

Most of the content are photographs of Great Tattoos. No non sense text. It also includes a listing of some of the top Japanese Tattoo Studios.

They have actually published a few special editions, The Back Piece Tattoo issue is definitely my favourite one! You’ll find tattoos they have published in their monthly subscriptions. The best selected Back Pieces are all included in this volume! Back Pieces are often the best tattoos one can get! What a great canvas! You can’t go wrong with this book. If you love tattoos, one of the best buy today.

My only negative comments is that with the quality of the tattoos they have in there, they could have made it a hard cover, but then they might have doubled or tripled the Price for the sake of it! So I can’t complain! All printed on black or white background, so clearly 100% Focus on the tattoos!

One of my favourite point, except for the amazing selection, are the few full page Back Pieces where you only see the outline! Simply amazing outlines!So many Good designs by the top tattoos artists in there! You’ll definitely find some inspiration for your next creation.

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