I think I'm better w/ the whole tweeting thing..it seems a lot easier to post something really quick on there..so here's what you've been missing out on if you haven't been following me on Twitter..
This is a sketch of a rose I did while I was at my parent's house last weekend, just practicing and something to do since I wake up at 4 a.m. and all of the normal people are still sleeping..

Usually I don't experiment too much w/ commissions but this collector is pretty open, so we'll see what happens. I'm actually about 75% done w/ the shirt and hopefully moving the to the face/hands tomorrow. I'm trying to not over render everything to death and have fun being a little looser, hopefully I can pull it off.
This is the final painting for Alex from GlubDub.com, he used my first conjoined twins piece for his recent book and asked if I could do another one w/ the exact same faces. I asked if it'd be cool if I changed the clothes up so I could practice some period clothing and he was up for it and this is what the finished piece looks like. Horrible camera or photographer, I'm not sure which is the problem but you get the basic idea.

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