Jumat, 19 Februari 2010

Worst Blogger Ever..

I've turned into that guy I hate..when you go check out their blog and they haven't update in a month..it's been crazy as usual. Working 40 hours a week on Mardi Gras floats, full time school, internship and commissions stacking up, there's not much time to post stuff but here's a couple things that managed to get on the computer, I'll have a ton more as soon as I can sit down to take pictures and scans..

Mardi Gras is finally over..crazy amounts of work and pressure but it's over and I hopefully have about a month off to get as much personal work and commissions done as I can..This was the only float I did that I was really proud of..Those shark heads were crazy heavy after layering tons of cardboard to get them right but they somehow didn't fall off the float..

This is a poster I did for the Mobile Arts Council's juried show for all of the local universities, they ended up not liking it and wanting something more "young" so I've got to work up something else this weekend..I liked the colors and composition so I'll probably save it for something else..
This is the sketch for a piece for Alex from Glubdub.com, He included a piece I did last year in his book and wanted a painting exactly like it except change the clothes, luckily I still had the original sketch so I changed a couple things around and he liked it. I was supposed to be doing an ongoing blog about the painting's progress, just have been more worried about painting it than taking pictures of it, I'll try to do better..

Anyway, hopefully I'll have a chance to post more around the beginning of the week when I get a minute..so check back when you can..

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