Rabu, 20 Oktober 2010

Tattoos as Text - What They're Saying, Then and Now

Overtime tattoos have evolved from what was considered "bad" and "ugly" to an international phenomenon.
Textually, tattoos have a colourful history, and the love for them has carried on into this modern era. 

Historically, the Japanese were known for their appreciation for the art, using principles used in paintings: perspective (creating the image from an interesting viewpoint), intricate designs and vibrant colours. The body work they performed was literally a human painting.

In ancient tattoo history the images were made to protect their bearers; signs to attract healing were placed on afflicted areas, depending on the ailment. Fire breathing dragons and saber tooth tigers repelled evil spirits and bad-wishers, striking fear in those that dared cross the body that bore it.

In the modern age of tattoos, the common saying, "Everybody's doing it" reins true: it said about 60% of North Americans now have some sort of tattoo (whether it is large or small).

In the early 20th century, North American sailors made their way back across the Atlantic they returned with naked ladies and anchors on their arms.The choice of these symbols was used to express themselves to the world in a simple way, as well as, make themselves identifiable to each other. The sign has deep Christian ties, and was said to keep the human canvas "anchored" in life, not to be led astray from their chosen path.

Although tattoos have been around for many years the message behind specific symbols and drawings still remain the same. For example: the ever popular feather. Feathers are usually associated with birds, their wings or Native American imagery in most tattoo designs. A single feather as a tattoo design may represent or symbolize the ability to take flight, either spiritually, emotionally or creatively.

Some feathers are so distinctive in their shape and size that they are easily identified with a specific species of bird, such as the feathers of the Eagle, Peacock, Ostrich Plume, and Egret, just to name a few. Such a feather would represent the characteristics attributed to that bird.
Behind every symbol is a meaning (click on the link to see the meaning of hundreds of tattoos)


In this we see the textual meaning of tattoos. Much like tattoos in history, the ones in the present bare meaning to those who wear it. A great modern example of this is family tattoos. See below a friends tattoo which has the name of his mother and father.

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