After getting behind with my work I finally cleared the backlog on the 16th. I'd not been to the gym for a week or so getting it sorted, so I was looking forward to lifting some weights. I wrapped things up around 8:30pm, just as dusk was setting, and headed out.
I hadn't been at the gym for 10 minutes before I got a call, 'Where would your laptop be?'...'on the desk where it always is', 'Your window has been smashed and it's gone'. Yes, the ****'s had obviously seen my room from the street (only just moved in, should of realised I was on full view) and worked out which car was mine. They must of seen no one was in the other front room, smash and bang they're gone,
I'd never even though about it TBH as we have new double glazing, but of course all double glazing means is they do two smashes instead of one. Here's the scene when I arrived:
The worst part was not what they actually stole, but what was on it. Yes, I know, back up. I hadn't done it for about 5 months, with each month being busier than the last. The files weren't really the problem, anything I'd created and sent I can just ask to be sent back. The real problem was my iCal calendar which has run my life since February (see:
I spent the night freaking out and not sleeping. The next day, overwhelmed with the rebuild project I had to undertake, I decided to take a couple of days off to prepare. What better way than with some poker! I headed to Maidenhead to play the £40 deepstack and enjoyed it, coming 20th of around 60. I'm really enjoyed the game again now as my game is back up to standard. In fact, I'm a lot less 'practised' as I once was, meaning I'm constantly trying new things and have upped my aggression massively. Sure, I'm going to make some mistakes, but it's all fun.
On the 19th then I started the calendar rebuild and it went much better than expected. What I thought would be a 2-3 day job actually took me just the one. I've lost data on everything in my calendar which I wont get back, but at least all the deals and dates are in. Phew. Working now on my old mac which was great as I kept my profile and everything installed, so could go right back to it. Will get the next one this week hopefully and transfer it all across.
Saturday I went and played the Rileys game and my game felt sharper than ever, winning some nice pots with lots of aggression. Got moved tables and in two coolers (TPTK vs set of maniac and AKs vs 55) I was quickly out, but am still happy with my game.
Sunday I attended an event called the 'Super Vs Battle', basically the biggest fighting game event of the year ( sadly I was there for a meeting (more on that soon) so didn't get to see it in full swing, but here are a couple of pictures anyway:
The main tournament stage
Practice area
Interesting to see just how good these guys were.
So start of this week is pure grind mode before seeing Anna on Thursday and then its the Stud WCOAP on Friday. I've been playing quite a big of Stud on PokerIdol, so am confident in doing well. Better than first out which is what I was in 2008! (
On a final note the first PokerIdol bloggers are up and running! Links are to the right and expect to see more of these guys very soon.
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