MONEY MONEY MONEY! In celebration of this blogs' name, here is a song of the same title, one of my favourites:
Maybe I should do what Gervais does and post a song during each blog? Does anyone like to hear new music? You'll get a decent variety with me!
So why the money chant? Well, when buying my last domain ( for my failed local pub tour I saw they were about to start taking order for a new one, '.co'. This is the Colombian domain, but it has a little more appeal due to being similar but shorter than .com
I decided to take a shot and buy a couple. I waited up till 4am one morning when they first went on sale and searched for all the key words, poker, sex, search etc.. but of course they were already gone. I decided I wanted one poker related one that I could possibly use and one sex related one that I could sell. In the end I bought and (on advise from a domain buying friend).
The total purchase came to around £70 for 2 years ownership. I'd actually forgotten about them until recently, when I logged into my hosting account and saw them. I decided to get the independently valued and was super surprised when I saw the results! was valued at over £800 and over £1200! What a result!
I'm going to stick with the plan and sell asap and keep hold of the poker one. I figure the sex internet market is so established it has little room to grow, so I can get rid of it straight away. The poker internet market, while saturated, still has room in it and of course it's nice to have backups for myself. The pages now have 'parked' pages for the seller so that people can make offers, however I'm not going to sit around, I'm going to push the domain out there and contact various sex webmasters. Networking is what I do best and will hopefully be rewarded for it!
I didn't realise how many domains I own now! On top of the two listed above. - my main one which has all my webspace and forward to my blog. - which linked to my music but atm goes to blog too. Will find a way to stop a total domain redirect at some point. - as I said before the failed (or not pursued) local pub tour. - cheeky I know! typed this many times when going to pokernews for WSOP updates so decided to buy it as it was available. - This is going to be my revolution against the online poker monopoly. More soon.
Perhaps I'll get more into buying and selling domains, but I guess I got lucky with the two .co domains.
Played the APAT Stud and as expected I didn't enjoy it. DTD has never been my favourite venue due to feeling too much like a nightclub and being too big. The structure was really bad and quick, which did't allow for much play. I didn't make many mistakes, but a couple of lost pots meant I was quickly short stacked. Got it in with AJ6 against K77 and made Aces Up but he made 9's full on the river. Sick! Oh well, at least I got a picture of me wearing the new patch:

As expected it looks great. More importantly, it can be read from pictures! Home to see some more people wearing these soon. Decided not to play the HORSE as it's just too far to go for a crapshoot, when I could be home working.
PokerIdol Malta Madness qualification is almost over and I've decided to try and get a team together for the team event. If I can we'll be decked out in Union Jacks. Will be fun! Got a couple of guys interested but may do my own satellite to give someone else the chance.
New laptop finally arrived, it's great to be back on Snow Leopard and have a lightning fast laptop. The last one had gotten really slow (think I dropped it). Have installed the newest Beta of Adium and it is AMAZING. Has to be one of the best programs I've ever used. Facebook have now provided support for it and entering you account as a Jabber account, you now get all your friends offline or online. Coupled with my new toy Growl, this is such a powerful tool.
After my poker chips were stolen along with my car at the start of the year, I've finally gotten around to buying some more. I've gone the geek route, buying from private sellers on Chiptalk. I've bought some BCC's and have almost got a real nice tournament set. Will post pick when they arrive, needless to say I'm excited! Will have to set up a little home game when they're all here. Who's up for a game in Reading?
I feel sorry for some poker rooms, employing retarded social media marketing agencies. I've had several contact me asking me to 'help their clients'. When I don't reply, I get many follow ups. Finally I'll ask what's available and it will be something like $25 a quarter to place a banner for a poker room. ARE YOU BLIND? I ALREADY HAVE BANNERS! DOES THAT FACT THAT YOU'VE EMAILED ME AT CHRIS@POKERIDOL.COM NOT RING ANY ALARM BELLS? As soon as I tell them I work for a site then bam, no reply. I wonder how much these idiots charge.
The PokerIdol blogs are in full effect! Am adding more every week with some decent effort being put in by the guys. Am really excited about this project, so am going to give them some good news about increasing the deal they're on. Can't wait to do some travelling with these guys to live events! If you're interested in joining, click the image on the right.
That's about it for now. Thanks again for reading and as always feel free to contact me.