Rabu, 30 Juni 2010
Beautiful Japanese Tattoos for Girls
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celebrity long wavy hair styles for blonde hair.This look isn’t about to go out of style anytime soon. Wavy hair is hot, hot, hot.
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In the spring of 2010, the major show court fluffy mess of punk style hair bow can be picked up, punk-style hair big popular these days, bursting with record-high popularity.
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Eva Mendes is commonly seen in long hairstyles, however occasionally she can be spotted wearing loose ponytails, medium-length wavy hairstyle and blonde bob. Eva Mendes invariably wears long and soft wavy or straight hairstyles when she hits the red carpets. Eva looks stunningly sexy in wavy long hairstyles with brown updo and fringes.
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Folks are so diverse in 2010, which means that there's never just one hair style trend that's hot at any given time. All of history is fair game for re-invention. Truly, there's not much that hasn't been done before. Yet somehow, each incarnation takes on a fresh spin, and emerges fabulous.
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Long hairstyle makes the look more sexy and feminine. But in the long run they are difficult to maintain and it takes time to keep looking good, else would go to be damaged if you don’t take good care of them.
Park Yong-Ha dies from apparent suicide
R.I.P Park Yong-ha
(August 12, 1977 – June 30, 2010)
Park's body was found by his mother with an electrical cord around his neck but there was no suicide note, The Korea Herald quoted police as reporting.
Park, 32, had recently devoted himself to nursing his ailing father who was in the final stages of stomach cancer. He was reported to have been struggling with sleep problems as well.
Park made his acting debut in 1992 but rose to fame in 2002 in the television drama "Winter Sonata", winning a following in Japan and other nations in southeast Asia.
He also forged a career for himself as a singer in Japan where he put out 10 hit albums in the past five years and won four consecutive Japan Gold Disc Awards -- a first for a Korean pop singer.
He was due to start filming in July for a Korean television drama called "Comrades, Almost a Love Story", which is a remake of a popular 1996 Hong Kong film.
Park's death comes after a string of suicides by South Korean celebrities in recent years.
Figures from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in 2009 show that South Korea's suicide rate experienced a sharp increase from the late 1990s and South Korea now has the highest rate among OECD countries of around 22 deaths per 100,000 people.
Source: Reuters
Tongue Tattoos

Although many are not familiar with the language tattoos, they have only begun to take shape. They resemble other designs and styles, even if they cover the muscle known as the language. The ones that cover the entire language, or a single region. In most cases, those who already have them, have chosen their language tattooed a certain color. Whether it's purple, orange, black or blue, language can be a variety of different colors.
The models that are poplar language stars with tattoos, tribal, and other forms and designs that cover an area of the tongue. Stars are popular with the lower area of the tongue, near the end. There are also models that can be further on the language, roughly in the middle of it. As the language ones are becoming more popular, more and more models are being implemented.
Regarding the procedure goes, it is very similar to getting a tattoo on any other part of the body. A tattoo needles involved perforation of the skin, depositing ink on the skin. The hands move very quickly, the breaking of the skin and allowing the pigment of the ink. The language, like the skin pigments swallow once the surface was punctured by the needle. Once the pigments in the ink are absorbed by the language, the color will remain there forever.
Those who had the language ones in the past say they are not very painful. Unlike tattoos on the skin, the language is a giant muscle. A tattoo on the tongue is often described as a sensation of tickling sensation or numbness in the mouth. When the artist does tattooing, it will normally be a tool to keep the language. If you have ever had a piercing language, you know what it looks like. Once the language is, the artist will begin work. The process usually takes very long, as long as you hold still and not move.
If a language tattoo sounds interesting to you, the first thing to do is to find anartist in your area, which is in fact the experience. Not a lot of artists are familiar with the language tattoos, as they have only begun to surface. A language is a little one on the creative side-something that can not be seen every day in public.
Tongue Tattoos

Although many are not familiar with the language tattoos, they have only begun to take shape. They resemble other designs and styles, even if they cover the muscle known as the language. The ones that cover the entire language, or a single region. In most cases, those who already have them, have chosen their language tattooed a certain color. Whether it's purple, orange, black or blue, language can be a variety of different colors.
The models that are poplar language stars with tattoos, tribal, and other forms and designs that cover an area of the tongue. Stars are popular with the lower area of the tongue, near the end. There are also models that can be further on the language, roughly in the middle of it. As the language ones are becoming more popular, more and more models are being implemented.
Regarding the procedure goes, it is very similar to getting a tattoo on any other part of the body. A tattoo needles involved perforation of the skin, depositing ink on the skin. The hands move very quickly, the breaking of the skin and allowing the pigment of the ink. The language, like the skin pigments swallow once the surface was punctured by the needle. Once the pigments in the ink are absorbed by the language, the color will remain there forever.
Those who had the language ones in the past say they are not very painful. Unlike tattoos on the skin, the language is a giant muscle. A tattoo on the tongue is often described as a sensation of tickling sensation or numbness in the mouth. When the artist does tattooing, it will normally be a tool to keep the language. If you have ever had a piercing language, you know what it looks like. Once the language is, the artist will begin work. The process usually takes very long, as long as you hold still and not move.
If a language tattoo sounds interesting to you, the first thing to do is to find anartist in your area, which is in fact the experience. Not a lot of artists are familiar with the language tattoos, as they have only begun to surface. A language is a little one on the creative side-something that can not be seen every day in public.
Cool Tattoos

For those seeking out cool tattoos getting the tongue tattooed might be too much. Circus carny and graphic designer Curtis McMurty is the person credited with developing a specially patented Tongue-Dyed Tattoo(TM) technology.
And McMurty's innovation doesn't stop with the visual. He claims the new technique has the same durability as any regular tattoo, but has the added aspect of eliciting a specific taste to go with the design. "They come in chocolate, vanilla and garlic. If you really want to shock a person's sensibilities, go for the garlic -- you won't be disappointed."
"I've always been unique. My friends say I'm 'touched.' Now I'm twice as unique!" -- Egrett Emry, tongue tattooer
The first person to have the procedure done was Egrett Emry, who has a depiction of vomit it was a toss-up between that and an "Eat Me" graphic). Emry's roommate acknowledged that Emry's first week after getting it done has been "a real tongue twister. He really sucks at taking phone messages."
Emry later noted in an email interview that, "I've always been unique. My friends say I'm 'touched.' Now I'm twice as unique. If scientists could grow another tongue on me through stem cells, I'd totally tattoo that one, too. Hey, I'm a no-hold-the-bar kinda risk-taking guy."
Emry added that so far all food tastes like burnt flesh. "Don't get me wrong, I've never actually tasted burnt flesh, but I think we all agree on what we think it must taste like, you know?"
About two dozen Californians have supposedly received tongue tattoos at McMurty's parlor in East L.A. In terms of safety, initial research shows that it's no more harmful than swallowing small droplets of mercury.
And in terms of imagery, well, the sky's the limit. McMurty was contacted recently by some Portland, Ore., teenagers who want to tattoo the Nike corporate swoosh on their tongues, "to speak out about the omnipresence of corporate greed."
Cool Tattoos

For those seeking out cool tattoos getting the tongue tattooed might be too much. Circus carny and graphic designer Curtis McMurty is the person credited with developing a specially patented Tongue-Dyed Tattoo(TM) technology.
And McMurty's innovation doesn't stop with the visual. He claims the new technique has the same durability as any regular tattoo, but has the added aspect of eliciting a specific taste to go with the design. "They come in chocolate, vanilla and garlic. If you really want to shock a person's sensibilities, go for the garlic -- you won't be disappointed."
"I've always been unique. My friends say I'm 'touched.' Now I'm twice as unique!" -- Egrett Emry, tongue tattooer
The first person to have the procedure done was Egrett Emry, who has a depiction of vomit it was a toss-up between that and an "Eat Me" graphic). Emry's roommate acknowledged that Emry's first week after getting it done has been "a real tongue twister. He really sucks at taking phone messages."
Emry later noted in an email interview that, "I've always been unique. My friends say I'm 'touched.' Now I'm twice as unique. If scientists could grow another tongue on me through stem cells, I'd totally tattoo that one, too. Hey, I'm a no-hold-the-bar kinda risk-taking guy."
Emry added that so far all food tastes like burnt flesh. "Don't get me wrong, I've never actually tasted burnt flesh, but I think we all agree on what we think it must taste like, you know?"
About two dozen Californians have supposedly received tongue tattoos at McMurty's parlor in East L.A. In terms of safety, initial research shows that it's no more harmful than swallowing small droplets of mercury.
And in terms of imagery, well, the sky's the limit. McMurty was contacted recently by some Portland, Ore., teenagers who want to tattoo the Nike corporate swoosh on their tongues, "to speak out about the omnipresence of corporate greed."
UrbanizeD Photo competition June 2010
Tribal Japanese Dragon Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo!

Picture this, the first time you go out proudly sporting your new tattoo you come face to face with that identical tattoo on someone else. You just lived your worst nightmare. Creepy, huh? Well, here's the good news, with a little planning you can go a long way towards making sure that never happens.
So here's the thing. When you are researching your tribal Japanese dragon tattoo graphic you are probably going to want to do a Google Image search. You will no doubt find plenty of fine examples for your tattoo; because tribal tattoos are very popular right now. The problem with this method of finding your design is that about a million other people are doing the exact same thing, looking at the exact same images, and carefully picking the same perfect graphic as you. You see the problem, don't you?
To narrow the field then, you should check out some of the pay tribal Japanese dragon tattoo sites. They're not expensive, but the extra step of paying for a service keeps most people from ever even getting into these sites to have a look. Already you are part of a more exclusive group. Not only will you have access to custom graphics that you would not otherwise find on the web but you will find sites that specialize in only tribal tattoos. You can find out what elements of the tattoo are important to you, and in doing this you can really develop a tattoo that is unique to you. And that is the point, after all, isn't it?
So once you commit to ink, do yourself a favor and use the best resources available by visiting some of the pay tribal tattoo sites.
Good luck getting your new tribal Japanese dragon tattoo!
How Tribal Back Tattoos Began

Tribal back tattoos are very striking and take up large portions of skin. People from all walks of life are having their backs adorned with tribal tattoos. There are very few individuals who do not admire a beautifully executed tattoo over a small or a large expanse of skin. Both men and women are turning to tattoo to beautify their bodies. They are doing this to not only adorn themselves but also to make a personal statement. It has to be said that those who turn to tribal back tattoos really do love ink on skin. There are different kinds of tribal tattoos because there are so many different tribes in the world. However, the most popular ones in the west are Celtic and Polynesian tribal tattoos.
In the west, Celtic they are so popular because a great many people are actually of Celtic descent. Their tattoos look beautiful and have great cultural significance. Thousands of years ago Celtic craftsmen started carving out their intricate designs. It is true they did absorb outside influences as cultures touched and even intermingled throughout history. However, what is important is that a definite Celtic style emerged that is greatly admired and has endured for thousands of years.
The Polynesian style of tribal back tattoos appears as black silhouettes and looks more like waves than being intricate. It was due to sailors traveling around the world that the art of tattoo made its way to all four corners of the earth. The sailors were so captivated by tattoo designs they had them placed on their bodies. When they returned home they were walking forms of art.
Others saw their tribal back tattoos and spread the word. The first tattoo studio was set up in the US by a person who had seen how the Japanese went about their tribal or traditional tattoo. The Japanese indulged in intricate back tattoos. They also tattooed sacred text onto their bodies. The Japanese method of tattoo was taken back to the US where it was used until modern methods were developed. Then the tables were turned. The modern method of tattooing used in the US was seen by the Japanese. They took the US method back to Japan. Using the modern method when doing tribal back tattoos is a lot easier and quicker.
Tribal back tattoos from around the world are highly favored by men because of the strong design. These designs are considered as an important part of being macho in many tribal societies. However, in this day and age both men and women can more or less do as they please without any interference. Tribal back tattoos are admired by both genders.
Tribal Japanese Dragon Tattoo - Tips on Getting Your New Tattoo!

Picture this, the first time you go out proudly sporting your new tattoo you come face to face with that identical tattoo on someone else. You just lived your worst nightmare. Creepy, huh? Well, here's the good news, with a little planning you can go a long way towards making sure that never happens.
So here's the thing. When you are researching your tribal Japanese dragon tattoo graphic you are probably going to want to do a Google Image search. You will no doubt find plenty of fine examples for your tattoo; because tribal tattoos are very popular right now. The problem with this method of finding your design is that about a million other people are doing the exact same thing, looking at the exact same images, and carefully picking the same perfect graphic as you. You see the problem, don't you?
To narrow the field then, you should check out some of the pay tribal Japanese dragon tattoo sites. They're not expensive, but the extra step of paying for a service keeps most people from ever even getting into these sites to have a look. Already you are part of a more exclusive group. Not only will you have access to custom graphics that you would not otherwise find on the web but you will find sites that specialize in only tribal tattoos. You can find out what elements of the tattoo are important to you, and in doing this you can really develop a tattoo that is unique to you. And that is the point, after all, isn't it?
So once you commit to ink, do yourself a favor and use the best resources available by visiting some of the pay tribal tattoo sites.
Good luck getting your new tribal Japanese dragon tattoo!
Selasa, 29 Juni 2010
These tattoos are PERMANENTLY awful | Horikyo Tattoo Design

I'm shakin' for a little Cl'aiken! If I were invisible...I'd be a much better tattoo!
The worst tattoo mistakes | Horikyo Tattoo Design
1-Do not tattoo someones name or portrait
See also : Gwyneth Paltrow expresses love for Chris Martin with a ‘C’ tattoo!
2- Do not get a cheap and nasty tattoo
As Kat Von D from the hit TV show LA Ink says:
"Good tattoos aren't cheap and cheap tattoos aren't good. Far too many times, people choose an artist based on price. That should be the last priority on your list when it comes to getting a tattoo." (Source
3- Never agree to get a tattoo when you're in the wrong state of mind
If you're drunk, depressed or under pressure, don't get a tattoo done. You know it's a whim when you find yourself in a tattoo studio and you hadn't even considered getting a tattoo the night before! It's good to be spontaneous, but not with something that will last you the rest of your life. Source
4- Choose the right design
5- Finally, the tattoo and aftercare